Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Layout Under Way!

My New Year’s Resolution is to design and build a new layout!  Following along on my blog as we start work on the Savannah Central Railroad!  Be sure to subscribe to the email feed!
Scott Perry

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

We're Official!

We just got our shingle from the NMRA saying we are a 100% Club!  Yah!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Welcome to the Utah Society of Railroad Modelers!

The Utah Society of Railroad Modelers is a group of NMRA members that like model trains and are interested in improving their model building skills. It is a no dues, no rules, no officers society that promotes the hobby through clinics and sharing of information. This is a 100% NMRA club so that we have club insurance but visitors are allowed at three meetings before deciding to join. Other benefits are layout tours, a DVD Library, and help when you need it. We meet in the Salt Lake City area.